Welcome TO THE


You are the finest, loveliest, tenderist, and most beautiful person I have ever known - and even that is an understatement. 
-F. Scott. Fitzgerald


sibling picture ideas

Ten precious fingers and ten tiny toes. Sweet scrunchy faces and feathery soft hair. Big blue eyes and sleepy yawns. The newborn stage overflows with beautiful details you want to remember forever. This stage is fleeting—you’ll be on to the next equally-magical phase before you know it! It’s so important to capture every little moment […]


My sweet sister-in-law, Leah, planned a surprise 70th birthday party for her Mom, Roxanne. In order to pull it off, she booked a New Lenox studio family session with me. This very loved mama—also known as Gigi to her grandkids—could finally get some updated family portraits with her whole crew. Her grandkids are growing up, […]


The only thing I love more than a lifestyle newborn session full of sleepy snuggles and precious wrinkles is a newborn session with the whole crew! I certainly get the appeal of staying behind the scenes in a newborn session for new parents. Planning out hair and outfits might have your sleep-deprived head spinning. But […]


And their story continues! I photographed Maura and John’s wedding last summer (2021), and this summer I got to capture their new world as a family of three! 🥹 To say this was a special evening would be an understatement. Have you ever met someone and instantly felt like long-lost friends? From the moment I […]