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You are the finest, loveliest, tenderist, and most beautiful person I have ever known - and even that is an understatement. 
-F. Scott. Fitzgerald


two brides

Where do I even begin to start with this gorgeous Warehouse 109 wedding. This was one of the most beautiful weddings I have ever shot and I feel so blessed I got to be a part of. I went to High School with Lauren and re-connected last year when she was on the hunt for […]


I could tear up just thinking about this beautiful Chicago wedding and these kind, warm souls. I met Natalie and Ed for the first time at their Lurie Garden engagement session back in May. Up until then, I had only heard the cheerful, effervescent tone in Natalie’s voice. Upon meeting Natalie she was just as […]


I still remember when Chelsea reached out and told me they were having their wedding at an antique shop in Chicago- Salvage One. I couldn’t wait to hear more and we planned a get together. We sat on their gorgeous Chicago balcony in the heart of the West Loop and, over a delicious charcuterie board, […]


couple on mountain

My first wedding of the season in Dubuque, Iowa was nothing short of incredible. With flood warnings, hail in the forecast and 90% chance of thunderstorms all day, I had my umbrellas ready to go and back up plans on deck for Dana & Aaron’s outdoor Dubuque wedding. We had a light drizzle for about […]


Vail Wedding

A wedding. In Vail, Colorado. Set in the beautiful mountains? COUNT ME IN. Every single second of this Vail wedding had a smile plastered on my face. From their laid back attitudes, to their contagious laughter, to their absolute love for adventure and each other, Katie and Josh are as real and genuine as it […]


I don’t think I’ve ever been to a more fun wedding than Liz and Sal’s this past weekend. Of course, of course, I love all of the weddings I work and attend in their own special way, but Saturday was just different. I started the day at the Hilton Garden Inn in Tinley Park while […]


I love being able to include dogs in engagement sessions and weddings. As part of the family, they should be included in these special life moments! In this blog I break down some super helpful tips for including your pup in your engagement session or wedding.


Workshop // Styled Shoot // Riverwood Mansion // Nashville, Tennessee