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You are the finest, loveliest, tenderist, and most beautiful person I have ever known - and even that is an understatement. 
-F. Scott. Fitzgerald


Chicago newborn session

He’s finally here! I captured Kendal’s maternity portraits what-seems-like yesterday, and baby Brooks has made his grand debut! When I first captured Kendal and Jake in 2018 for their engagement session, I would have never dreamt that I would have the joy of photographing them five years later as they started their family. As I […]


photography for newborns; nursery newborn photos

I’ve met a lot of incredible couples, families, and individuals over the years, but getting to capture all of the wonderful people who were in my life before I became a photographer is one thing that makes my job even more extraordinary, like this newborn session for my very best friend from High School, Jenna. […]